中华五福吉祥图典 福【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 黄全信主编;周晔翻译 著
- 出版社: 北京:华语教学出版社
- ISBN:780052891X
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:245页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:257页
- 主题词:
中华五福吉祥图典 福PDF格式电子书版下载
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目录 contents1
人臻五福 花满三春 May People Enjoy a Life Full of Blessings,and Let Flowers Bloom Throughout Spring Time1
一方平安 Peace in this piace8
一家之主 The master of the family10
一路平安 Safe journey16
二龙戏珠 Two dragons play ball18
十二章 Twelve patterns20
人文初祖 The ancestor of civlllzation22
八吉祥 Eight auspicious things24
八音图 The picture of eight musical instruments26
八仙过海 Eight immortals cross the ocean30
九阳启泰 Nine suns shine32
九九消寒图 Winter picture34
三圣同辉 Three sages glory36
三合九重 The summary of auspicious things in a picture38
三阳开泰 Three suns shine40
三纲五常 Ethicai standards44
三皇开世 Three emperors founded the world46
大吉 Big luck48
大福寿 Big fortune and longevity50
万象回春 Spring comes back52
万象更新 Spring comes back54
门神镇宅 The door god keeps houses safe56
门神守户 The door god protects the home58
门神安舍 The door god protects the home60
门神御鬼 The door god keeps ghosts away62
女娲补天 The goddess patching the sky64
天下太平 The peaceful world66
天下文明 The civilized world70
天师避邪 Heavenly Master kills evils72
天师镇宅 Heavenly Master exorcises evil spirits74
天官赐福 The heavenly officer brings blessings76
天禄避邪 The heavenly deer avoids evil84
太平世界 The peaceful world86
太平有象 The peaceful world88
五客图 The picture of five birds90
五毒符 The picture of five poisonous Insects92
五毒协合 Killing five poisonous insects94
五福和合 The combination of five happiness96
日月合璧 The sun and the moon shine together98
日月光辉 The sun and the moon glory together100
仓颉造字 Cang Jie invented Chinese characters102
凤羽祥云 Phoenix feather and lucky clouds104
文运昌盛 The promising career of civil officials106
双福 Double happiness108
本固枝荣 The flower and branches all in blossom110
平升五福 Five happiness in the bottle112
平安双福 Double happiness and peace114
平安有福 Happiness and peace116
四象 Four images118
四君子 Four gentlemen120
四瑞图 The pictures of four mascots122
四时平安 Peace at all times124
四季平安 peace at all times126
四季安泰 Peace at all times128
春安 Peace in spring130
夏泰 Peace in summertime132
秋祺 Peace in autumn134
冬祥 Peace in winter136
四海升平 The peaceful world138
四海平安 The peaceful world140
龙马负图 Dragon-horse carries book142
吉庆多福 Luck,happiness and celebration144
百福图 Hundred happiness146
夸父追日 Kua Fu chases the sun148
全家福 The picture of the whole family150
伏羲画卦 Fu Xi paints Eight Trigrams152
阳光普照 The sun shines154
鸡王镇宅 The cock safeguards the family156
花好月圆 The beautiful flower and the round moon158
连年有福 Continuous fortune160
迎春降福 Welcome spring with a blessing162
汲水泽民 Water benefits people164
纳福迎祥 Accept happiness and welcome fortune166
阿弥陀佛 Namomitabhaya168
画龙点睛 Painted dragon s eye170
国色天香 Divine beauty of the nation172
河清海晏 Clear river and peaceful ocean174
宝相花 Buddha flower176
妈祖保佑 The blessing of Goddess Matzu178
祈求平安 Praying for peace180
钟馗镇宅 Zhong Kui safeguards the homestead182
钟馗增福 Zhong Kui brings happiness and luck184
钟馗除妖 Zhong Kui kills evils186
钟馗辟邪 Zhong Kui kills evils188
钟馗嫁妹 Zhong Kui plays matchmaker for his sister190
神鸡驱虫 Magic cock kills insects192
神虎镇宅 Magic tiger safeguards the homestead194
神鹰镇宅 Magic eagle safeguards the homestead196
菩萨保佑 The blessing of the Bodhisattvas198
观音菩萨 The Goddess of Mercy200
文殊菩萨 Manjusri202
普贤菩萨 Samantabhadra204
地藏菩萨 The God of Earth206
常羲浴月 Chang Xi bathes in the moonlight208
鹿鹤同春 The Deer and crane together celebrate spring210
翘盼福音 Looking forward to luck216
逼鼠蚕猫 A cat scaring a rat away from eating the silkworms218
紫气东来 The appearance of the purple cloud220
紫微高照 The shining of the Zi Wei star222
紫微星君 The shining of the Zi Wei star224
铺首护宅 The doorknob decoration protects the family226
福运 Fortune228
福到了 Fortune arrives230
福从天降 Fortune arrives from heaven232
福在眼前 Fortune in front of your eyes234
福星高照 The shining of the lucky star236
福缘善庆 Celebrate happiness and fortune238
鹦鹉濡羽 The parrot saves animals from the fire242
夔龙拱璧 The leader of the dragon group and jade244
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