

  • 陈家璞,齐长明著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国农业大学出版社
  • ISBN:7810661612
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:312页
  • 文件大小:12MB
  • 文件页数:331页
  • 主题词:


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第一章 四肢病的诊断(Diagnosis of Leg and Foot Diseases)1

跛行的概念和原因(The Concept and Causes of Lameness)1

跛行的种类和程度(The Kinds and Degrees of Lameness)2

马跛行的诊断(Diagnosis of Lameness in Horse)6

牛跛行的诊断(Diagnosis of Lameness in Cattle)33

猪跛行的诊断(Diagnosis of Lameness in Swine)42


第二章 前肢疾病(Diseases of the Forelimbs)52

臂头肌炎(Myositis of Brachiocephalicus)52

肩前淋巴结炎(Lymphadenitis of the Praescapulares)53

肩前淋巴结的新生物(Neoplasm of the Praescapular Lymphnodes)55

肩胛骨骨折(Fracture of the Scapula)56

肩胛骨骨髓炎(Osteomyelitis of the Scapula)58

肩关节创伤(Trauma of the Shoulder Joint)59

肩关节挫伤(Contusion of the Shoulder Joint)61

肩关节捩伤(Sprain of the Shoulder Joint)62

肩关节滑膜炎(Synovitis of the Shoulder Joint)63

肩关节骨关节炎(Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder Joint)66

冈上肌断裂(Rupture of the Supraspinatus)67

冈下肌断裂(Rupture of the Infraspinatus)67

冈下肌粘液囊炎(Bursitis of the Infraspinatus)68

冈下肌移位(Displacement of the Infraspinatus)69

肩胛下肌断裂(Rupture of the Musculus Subscapularis)69

肩部肌肉风湿病(Rheumatism of the Muscles in Shoulder Region)70

肩部肌肉病(Myopathy of the Shoulder Region)72

臂神经丛麻痹(Paralysis of the Brachiplex)73

肩胛上神经麻痹(Raralysis of the Suprascapular Nerve)74

臂二头肌粘液囊炎(Inflammation of the Bicipital Bursa)75

臂二头肌断裂(Rupture of the Biceps Brachii)77

臂二头肌移位(Displacemem of the Biceps Brachii)77

肱骨骨折(Fractures of the Humerus)78

桡神经麻痹(Paralysis of the Radial Nerve)79

臂三头肌炎(Myositis of the Triceps Brachii)82

肱肌炎(Myositis of the Brachial Muscle)83

肘关节创伤、挫伤和扭伤(Trauma、Contusion and Sprain of theElbow Joint)83

化脓性肘关节炎(Suppurative Arthritis of the Elbow Joint)85

肘结节部粘液囊炎(Capped Elbow,Olecranon Bursitis)86

桡骨骨折(Fractures of the Radius)87

尺骨骨折(Fractures of the Ulna)89

前臂部蜂窝织炎(Phlegmon of the Forearm)91

腕前粘液囊炎(Hygroma of the Carpus)92


腕关节屈曲(Flexion of the Carpus)95

腕关节部挫伤(Contusion of the Carpal Region)96


腕关节周围炎(Periarthritis of the Carpal Joint)100

腕部腱鞘炎(Tendosynovitis of the Carpal Region)101

腕骨骨折(Fractures of the Carpal Bones)102

腕骨碎片骨折(Chip Fractures of the Carpal Bones)103

腕骨板皮骨折(Slab Fractures of the Carpal Bones)104

副腕骨骨折(Fractures of the Accessory Carpal Bone)106

腕关节骨软骨炎(Osteochondritis of the Carpal Joint)107

腕关节的复杂骨折(Complex Fractures of the Carpal Joint)107

腕部成角畸形(Angular Deformities of the Carpus)109

屈腱炎(Inflammation of the Digital Flexor Tendon)112

屈腱挛缩(Contraction of the Digital Flexor Tendon)119

先天性屈腱挛缩(Congenital Contraction of the Digital FlexorTendon)119

后天性屈腱挛缩(Acquired Contraction of the Digital FlexorTendon)120

屈腱断裂(Rupture of the Digital Flexor Tendon)122


掌骨和跖骨骨折(Fractures of the Metacarpus and Metatarsus)126

小掌骨和小跖骨骨折(Fractures of the Small Metacarpal Boneand Small Metatarsal Bone)128

第一指(趾)关节创伤(Trauma of the Fetlock Joint)130

第一指(趾)关节挫伤(Contusion of the Fetlock Joint)131

第一指(趾)关节捩伤(Sprain of the Fetlock Joint)132

第一指(趾)关节脱位(Dislocation of the Fetlock Joint)134

第一指(趾)关节滑膜炎(Synovitis of the Fetlock Joint)134

第一指(趾)关节化脓性关节炎(Suppurative Arthritis of theFetlock Joint)135

第一指(趾)关节慢性增殖性(绒毛结节性)滑膜炎(Chronic Vegetative Synovitis of the Fetlock Joint)136

第一指(趾)关节变性性关节病(Degenerative Arthropathy ofthc Fctlock Joint)137

第一指(趾)关节骨软骨炎(Ostcochondrosis of the Fetlock Joint)140

第一指(趾)关节的关节性挛缩(Articular Contraction of theFetlock Joint)140

指总伸肌和趾长伸肌粘液囊炎(Bursitis of the Musculus ExtensorDigitorum Communis and Musculus Extensor Digitorum Longus)141

指(趾)部腱鞘炎(Digital Tendosynovitis)142


近端籽骨骨折(Fractures of the Proximal Sesamoides)145

第一指(趾)节骨骨折(Fractures of the Pastern Bone)148

第一指(趾)节骨碎片骨折(Chip Fractures of the PasternBone)148

第一指(趾)节骨的矢状骨折(Sagittal Fractures of the PasternBone)149

第一指(趾)节骨的粉碎骨折(Commiunted Fractures of thePastern Bone)150

第一指(趾)节骨骨膜炎(Periostitis of the Pastern Bone)151

系部皮炎(Dermatitis of the Palmar Surface of Pastern Region)153

马属动物指(趾)部坏死杆菌病(Necrobacillosis of Digital Region of Equus Animals)154

第二指(趾)关节捩伤(Sprain of the Proximal InterphalangealJoint)156

第二指(趾)关节关节周围炎(Periarthritis of the ProximalInterphalangeal Joint)156

第二指(趾)节骨骨化性骨膜炎(Ossified Periostitis of theMiddle Phalanx)157

第二指(趾)节骨骨折(Fractures of the Middle Phalanx)158


第三章 后肢及与后肢运动有关的疾病(Diseases of the Hindlimb and Involvement Hindlimb Movement)167


脊椎棘突压挤伤(Crowding and Overriding of Dorsal SpinousProcesses)168

摇摆病(Encephalomyelic Filariasis)169

脊柱弯曲(Curved Vertebral Column)171

胸椎和腰椎的骨裂和骨折(Fractures and Fissures of the Thoracolumber Vertebrae)171

荐椎骨折(Sacral Fractures)173

背腰部蜂窝织炎(Phlegmon of the Back Region)174

背最长肌炎(Myositis of the Longissimus Dorsi)175

髂荐关节捩伤和脱位(Sacroiliac Strain and Luxation)176

腹主动脉及其分支的栓塞症(Thrombosis of Aorta and Its Branches)176

骨盆骨骨折(Fractures of the Pelvis)178

髋关节捩伤(Sprain of the Hip Joint)180

髋关节脱位(Dislocation of the Hip Joint)181


坐骨神经麻痹(Sciatic Paralysis)185

闭孔神经麻痹(Obturator Paralysis)186

臀部和股部创伤(Trauma of the Gluteus and Femur)188

臀部和股部挫伤(Contusion of Gluteus and Femur)189

臀中肌炎(Middle Glutitis)190

臀中肌粘液囊炎(Troehanteric Bursitis)191

股二头肌炎(Myositis of the Biceps Femoris)192

股二头肌移位(Displacement of the Biceps Femoris)192

半腱肌和半膜肌炎(Myositis of the Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus)194

臀部肌肉病(Myopathy of the Gluteus)195

股骨骨折(Fractures of the Femur)195

股神经麻痹(Femoral Nerve Paralysis)198

膝关节创伤(Trauma of the Stifle Joint)199

膝关节挫伤(Contusion of the Stifle Joint)200

膝关节捩伤(Sprain of the Stifle Joint)201


变性性膝关节病(Degenerative Arthropathy of the Stifle Joint)204

膝盖骨脱位(Patellar Luxation)206

膝盖骨骨折(Fractures of the Patella)208

膝关节部粘液囊炎(Bursitis at Stifle Region)209

胫神经麻痹(Paralysis of the Tibial Nerve)210

腓神经麻痹(Paralysis of the Peroneal Nerve)211

第三腓骨肌断裂(Rupture of the Peroneus Tertius)212

跟腱断裂(Rupture of the Achilles Tendon)213

胫骨和腓骨骨折(Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula)215

胫部蜂窝织炎(Phlegmon at Shin)217

跗关节部创伤(Trauma ofthe Hock Joint)218

跗关节部挫伤(Contusion of the Hock Joint)219

跗关节部捩伤(Sprain of the Hock Joint)219

跗关节部骨折(Fractures of the Hock Joint Region )220

胫距关节特发性滑膜炎(Idiopathic Synovitis of the TibiotarsalJoint)221

化脓性跗关节炎(Suppurative Arthritis of the Hock Joint)222

跗关节骨关节炎(Osteoarthritis of the Hock Joint)225

跗关节周围炎(Periartbritis of the Hock Joint)228

跗部成角畸形(Angular Deformities of the Tarsus)229

跗部腱鞘炎(Inflammation of the Tarsal Sheath)230

跟结节部粘液囊炎(Calcaneal Bursitis,Capped Hock,Deep Capped Hock)232

跗关节跖侧韧带炎(Desmitis at Plantar Aspect of the FibularTarsal Bone,Curb)233


第四章 蹄病(Diseases of the Digitus)245

疣性皮炎(Dermatitis Verrucosa)245

蹄冠蹑伤(Step on the Coronary Band,Injures of the CoronaryBand)246

蹄冠蜂窝织炎(Phlegmon of the Coronary Band)248

指(趾)间皮炎(Interdigital Dermatitis)250

指(趾)间皮肤增殖(Interdigital Skin Hyperplasia)251

指(趾)间蜂窝织炎(Interdigital Phlegmon)254

绵羊指(趾)间腺炎(Inflammation of Interdigital Sinus inSheep)256

蹄裂(Hoof Cracks)257

蹄糜烂(Erosio Ungulae)260

钉伤(Pricks in Shoeing and Nail Bind)261


空壁(Holes beneath the Hoof)264


白线裂(White Line Fissure)267

蹄底刺伤(Solar Penetration)269

蹄底挫伤(Corns and Bruised Sole)272

局限性蹄皮炎(Pododermatitis Circumscripta)274

马的蹄叶炎(Equine Laminitis)277

牛的蹄叶炎(Bovine Laminitis)280

蹄软骨化骨(Ossification of the Lateral Cartilage)284

蹄软骨坏死(Necrosis of the Lateral Cartilage)285


蹄骨骨折(Fractures of the Third Phalanx)289

舟状骨骨折(Fractures of the Navicular Bone)291

舟状骨病(Navicular Disease)291

远籽骨滑膜囊炎(Synovitis of the Navicular Bursa)293

指(趾)部腱鞘炎和腱筒炎(Inflammation of the Tendon Vaginaand Tendon Tube of the Digital Region)295

球部关节后脓肿(Retroarticular Abscess of the Bulb)297

