

  • “空中美语”编委会编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:7111130383
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:184页
  • 文件大小:46MB
  • 文件页数:196页
  • 主题词:英语,美国-听说教学-自学参考资料


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ContentsPolitics of the North America(北美政治)1

1.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅰ)布什总统清华大学演讲(一)1

2.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅱ)布什总统清华大学演讲(二)4

3.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅲ)布什总统清华大学演讲(三)7

4.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅳ)布什总统清华大学演讲(四)10

5.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅴ)布什总统清华大学演讲(五)14

6.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅵ)布什总统清华大学演讲(六)17

7.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University(Ⅶ)布什总统清华大学演讲(七)20

8.President Bush s Remarks at Tsinghua University (Ⅷ)布什总统清华大学演讲(八)23

9.Heavy Afghan Fighting Expected to Continue美军将对阿富汗实施进一步的军事打击25

10.Ceremonies,Observances Mark Sept.11 th Anniversary(Ⅰ)“9·11”事件周年悼念活动(一)28

11.Ceremonies,Observances Mark Sept.11 th Anniversary(Ⅱ)“9·11”事件周年悼念活动(二)31

12.Ceremonies,Observances Mark Sept.11 th Anniversary(Ⅲ)“9·11”事件周年悼念活动(三)34

13.Ceremonies,Observances Mark Sept.11 th Anniversary(Ⅳ)“9·11”事件周年悼念活动(四)39

Politics of the North America(北美政治)39

14.U.S.Australia Probe Bali Blast美国和澳大利亚侦察巴厘岛爆炸案45

15.U.S.Seeks Compromise on U.N.Iraq Resolution美国有望在联合国对伊拉克决议上作出让步47

16.George W.Bush:The Space ShuttleColumbia Tragedy Address乔治·布什就“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机失事所作演讲52

17.President Bush Addresses the Nation布什总统开战宣言55

18.U.S.Opens Northern Front in War with Iraq美国在伊拉克开辟了北方战线59

19.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Ope rations in Iraq(Ⅰ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(一)64

20.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Ope rations in Iraq(Ⅱ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(二)66

21.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Operations in Iraq(Ⅲ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(三)69

22.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Operations in Iraq(Ⅵ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(四)71

23.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Operations in lraq(Ⅴ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(五)74

24.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Operations in Iraq(Ⅵ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(六)77

25.George W.Bush:Announces the End ofCombat Operations in Iraq(Ⅶ)布什宣布伊拉克战争行动结束(七)79

Politics of the Europe(欧洲政治)79

26.Britain Remembers the Queen Mother英国悼念伊丽莎白王太后83

27.U.S.Russia to Track Dirty Bomb Material美俄联合搜寻“脏弹”材料86

28.Dozens Believed Dead in Plane Collision over Germany德国上空的飞机相撞造成数十人死亡91

29.Pilot Given Confusing Instructions before Midair Crash导航员指示不明导致飞机半空相撞93

30.Moscow Theater Cast Stunned by Hostage Crisis人质危机震惊莫斯科剧院演员96

31.Heavy Casualties in Blasts at ChechnyaGovernment Compound车臣政府大楼爆炸造成重大伤亡101

32.Powell Heads to China for Talks on N.Korea鲍威尔前往北京讨论朝鲜问题105

Politics of the Asia and Africa(亚非地区政治)105

33.Bush Gives Japan Economy a Vote of Confidence布什总统为日本经济投了信心选票109

34.South Korean Group Travels North for Family Reunions韩国访问团北上与亲人团聚114

Politics of the Middle East(中东地区政治)114

35.Views of the Middle East中东问题探讨117

36.U.N.Recommends International Protection Force for Mideast联合国呼吁保护中东居民安全122

37.U.S.Bombing Reportedly Kills Afghan Civilians美国空袭造成阿富汗平民伤亡127

38.Saudi Arabia Aiding Bosnia s Recovery(Ⅰ)沙特阿拉伯援助波斯尼亚复兴(一)131

39.Saudi Arabia Aiding Bosnia s Recovery(Ⅱ)沙特阿拉伯援助波斯尼亚复兴(二)134

40.Iraq Agrees to Terms of U.N.Resolution on Weapons伊拉克同意联合国决议中有关其武器的条款139

41.The Arab s Response toward Iraq s Decision(Ⅰ)阿拉伯国家对伊拉克决定遵守联合国决议的反应(一)144

42.The Arab s Response toward Iraq s Decision(Ⅱ)阿拉伯国家对伊拉克决定遵守联合国决议的反应(二)147

43.Task Force Calls for More Aid to the Balkans特遣部队呼吁给予巴尔干地区更多援助150

44.U.N.Inspectors Examine Sites around Baghdad联合国核查人员检查巴格达周边地点154

45.Yemen Authorities Search for Group behind U.S.Deaths也门政府搜捕杀害美国人的元凶157

46.Accused September 11 th Planner Mohammed Arrested(Ⅰ)被控为9.11策划者的穆罕默德落网(一)162

47.Accused September 11 th Planner Mohammed Arrested(Ⅱ)被控为9.11策划者的穆罕默德落网(二)166

48.Accused September 11 th Planner Mohammed Arrested(Ⅲ)被控为9.11策划者的穆罕默德落网(三)169

49.US Troops Push Deeper into Baghdad;Fierce Fighting Reported美军继续深入巴格达;战斗依然激烈173

50.Annan Calls on Iraq,U.S.to Care for Welfare of Iraqi Civilians安南呼吁伊拉克和美国关注伊拉克平民的生活177

Politics of the South America(拉美地区政治)177

51.Colombians Hope for Peace哥伦比亚人企盼和平181
