
- (美)PatrickJuola著 著
- 出版社: 北京:机械工业出版社
- ISBN:7111239172
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:317页
- 文件大小:52MB
- 文件页数:337页
- 主题词:计算机体系结构-英文;汇编语言-英文
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Ⅰ Part the First:Imaginary Computers1
1 Computation and Representation3
1.1 Computation3
1.1.1 Electronic Devices3
1.1.2 Algorithmic Machines4
1.1.3 Functional Components4
1.2 Digital and Numeric Representations9
1.2.1 Digital Representations and Bits9
1.2.2 Boolean Logic12
1.2.3 Bytes and Words13
1.2.4 Representations14
1.3 Virtual Machines27
1.3.1 What is a“Virtual Machine”?27
1.3.2 Portability Concerns29
1.3.3 Transcending Limitations30
1.3.4 Ease of Updates30
1.3.5 Security Concerns31
1.3.6 Disadvantages31
1.4 Programming the JVM32
1.4.1 Java:What the JVM Isn't32
1.4.2 Translations of the Sample Program34
1.4.3 High-and Low-Level Languages35
1.4.4 The Sample Program as the JVM Sees It37
1.5 Chapter Review38
1.6 Exercises39
1.7 Programming Exercises41
2 Arith metic ExpressionsArith42
2.1 Notations42
2.1.1 Instruction Sets42
2.1.2 Operations,Operands,and Ordering43
2.1.3 Stack-Based Calculators43
2.2 Stored-Program Computers45
2.2.1 The fetch-execute Cycle45
2.2.2 CISC vs.RISC Computers48
2.3 Arithmetic Calculations on the JVM49
2.3.1 General Comments49
2.3.2 A Sample Arithmetic Instruction Set50
2.3.3 Stack Manipulation Operations53
2.3.4 Assembly Language and Machine Code55
2.3.5 Illegal Operations56
2.4 An Example Program57
2.4.1 An Annotated Example57
2.4.2 The Final JVM Code60
2.5 JVM Calculation Instructions Summarized60
2.6 Chapter Review61
2.7 Exercises62
2.8 Programming Exercises63
3 Assembly Language Programming in jasmin64
3.1 Java,the Programming System64
3.2 Using the Assembler66
3.2.1 The Assembler66
3.2.2 Running a Program66
3.2.3 Display to the Console vs.a Window67
3.2.4 Using System.out and System.in68
3.3 Assembly Language Statement Types71
3.3.1 Instructions and Comments71
3.3.2 Assembler Directives72
3.3.3 Resource Directives73
3.4 Example:Random Number Generation73
3.4.1 Generating Pseudorandom Numbers73
3.4.2 Implementation on the JVM74
3.4.3 Another Implementation76
3.4.4 Interfacing with Java Classes77
3.5 Chapter Review79
3.6 Exercises79
3.7 Programming Exercises80
4 Control Structures82
4.1 “Everything They've Taught You Is Wrong”82
4.1.1 Fetch-Execute Revisited82
4.1.2 Branch Instructions and Labels83
4.1.3 “Structured Programming”a Red Herring83
4.1.4 High-Level Control Structures and Their Equivalents85
4.2 Types of Gotos86
4.2.1 Unconditional Branches86
4.2.2 Conditional Branches86
4.2.3 Comparison Operations87
4.2.4 Combination Operations88
4.3 Building Control Structures89
4.3.1 If Statements89
4.3.2 Loops90
4.3.3 Details of Branch Instructions92
4.4 Example:Syracuse Numbers94
4.4.1 Problem Definition94
4.4.2 Design94
4.4.3 Solution and Implementation96
4.5 Table Jumps97
4.6 Subroutines101
4.6.1 Basic Instructions101
4.6.2 Examples of Subroutines102
4.7 Example:Monte Carlo Estimation of π105
4.7.1 Problem Definition105
4.7.2 Design106
4.7.3 Solution and Implementation109
4.8 Chapter Review111
4.9 Exercises112
4.10 Programming Exercises112
Ⅱ Part the Second:Real Computers113
5 General Architecture Issues:Real Computers115
5.1 The Limitations of a Virtual Machine115
5.2 Optimizing the CPU116
5.2.1 Building a Better Mousetrap116
5.2.2 Multiprocessing116
5.2.3 Instruction Set Optimization117
5.2.4 Pipelining117
5.2.5 Superscalar Architecture120
5.3 Optimizing Memory121
5.3.1 Cache Memory121
5.3.2 Memory Management122
5.3.3 Direct Address Translation122
5.3.4 Page Address Translation122
5.4 Optimizing Peripherals124
5.4.1 The Problem with Busy-Waiting124
5.4.2 Interrupt Handling125
5.4.3 Communicating with the Peripherals:Using the Bus126
5.5 Chapter Review126
5.6 Exercises127
6 The Intel 8088128
6.1 Background128
6.2 Organization and Architecture129
6.2.1 The Central Processing Unit129
6.2.2 The Fetch-Execute Cycle131
6.2.3 Memory131
6.2.4 Devices and Peripherals133
6.3 Assembly Language133
6.3.1 Operations and Addressing133
6.3.2 Arithmetic Instruction Set136
6.3.3 Floating Point Operations137
6.3.4 Decisions and Control Structures139
6.3.5 Advanced Operations142
6.4 Memory Organization and Use143
6.4.1 Addresses and Variables143
6.4.2 Byte Swapping144
6.4.3 Arrays and Strings145
6.4.4 String Primitives147
6.4.5 Local Variables and Information Hiding150
6.4.6 System Stack151
6.4.7 Stack Frames152
6.5 Conical Mountains Revisited156
6.6 Interfacing Issues157
6.7 Chapter Review158
6.8 Exercises159
7 The Power Architecture160
7.1 Background160
7.2 Organization and Architecture161
7.2.1 Central Processing Unit162
7.2.2 Memory163
7.2.3 Devices and Peripherals163
7.3 Assembly Language164
7.3.1 Arithmetic164
7.3.2 Floating Point Operations166
7.3.3 Comparisons and Condition Flags166
7.3.4 Data Movement167
7.3.5 Branches168
7.4 Conical Mountains Revisited169
7.5 Memory Organization and Use170
7.6 Performance Issues171
7.6.1 Pipelining171
7.7 Chapter Review174
7.8 Exercises174
8 The Intel Pentium175
8.1 Background175
8.2 Organization and Architecture176
8.2.1 The Central Processing Unit176
8.2.2 Memory177
8.2.3 Devices and Peripherals177
8.3 Assembly Language Programming177
8.3.1 Operations and Addressing177
8.3.2 Advanced Operations178
8.3.3 Instruction Formats179
8.4 Memory Organization and Use180
8.4.1 Memory Management180
8.5 Performance Issues180
8.5.1 Pipelining180
8.5.2 Parallel Operations182
8.5.3 Superscalar Architecture182
8.6 RISC vS.CISC Revisited183
8.7 Chapter Review184
8.8 Exercises184
9 Microcontrollers:The Atmel AVR185
9.1 Background185
9.2 Organization and Architecture186
9.2.1 Central Processing Unit186
9.2.2 Memory186
9.2.3 Devices and Peripherials191
9.3 Assembly Language192
9.4 Memory Organization and Use193
9.5 Issues of Interfacing195
9.5.1 Interfacing with External Devices195
9.5.2 Interfacing with Timers196
9.6 Designing an AVR Program197
9.7 Chapter Review198
9.8 Exercises199
10 Advanced Programming Topics on the JVM200
10.1 Complex and Derived Types200
10.1.1 The Need for Derived Types200
10.1.2 An Example ofa Derived Type:Arrays201
10.1.3 Records:Classes Without Methods208
10.2 Classes and Inheritance210
10.2.1 Defining Classes210
10.2.2 A Sample Class:String212
10.2.3 Implementing a String213
10.3 Class Operations and Methods214
10.3.1 Introduction to Class Operations214
10.3.2 Field Operations214
10.3.3 Methods217
10.3.4 A Taxonomy of Classes221
10.4 Objects223
10.4.1 Creating Objects as Instances of Classes223
10.4.2 Destroying Objects224
10.4.3 The Type Object224
10.5 Class Files and.class File Structure224
10.5.1 Class Files224
10.5.2 Starting Up Classes227
10.6 Class Hierarchy Directives227
10.7 An Annotated Example:Hello,World Revisited229
10.8 Input and Output:An Explanation230
10.8.1 Problem Statement230
10.8.2 Two Systems Contrasted231
10.8.3 Example:Reading from the Keyboard in the JVM234
10.8.4 Solution235
10.9 Example:Factorials Via Recursion236
10.9.1 Problem Statement236
10.9.2 Design236
10.9.3 Solution237
10.10 Chapter Review238
10.11 Exercises239
10.12 Programming Exercises239
A Digital Logic241
A.1 Gates241
A.2 Combinational Circuits243
A.3 Sequential Circuits245
A.4 Computer Operations248
B JVM Instruction Set250
C Opcode Summary by Number281
C.1 Standard Opcodes281
C.2 Reserved Opcodes283
C.3 “Quick”Pseudo-Opcodes283
C.4 Unused Opcodes284
D Class File Format285
D.1 Overview and Fundamentals285
D.2 Subtable Structures286
D.2.1 Constant Pool286
D.2.2 Field Table287
D.2.3 Methods Table288
D.2.4 Attributes289
E The ASCII Table290
E.1 The Table290
E.2 History and Overview290
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