
- (美)(G.F.奥赖恩)Gertrude F.Orion著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国水利水电出版社
- ISBN:7508400232
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:428页
- 文件大小:47MB
- 文件页数:451页
- 主题词:
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Part 1 An Overview:Sounds of American English1
Part 1 An Overview:Sounds of American English1
Unit 1 English Spelling and English Sounds4
Unit 1 English Spelling and English Sounds4
1. The Spelling System4
2. Check Your Listening5
3. The Phonetic Alphabet6
4. Further Practice9
Unit 2 The Speech Mechanism10
Unit 2 The Speech Mechanism10
1. Articulators11
2. Identify Your Speech Organs11
3. Voiced and Voiceless Sounds11
4. Consonants12
5. Vowels13
6. Further Practice15
Part 2 Stress and Intonation17
Part 2 Stress and Intonation17
1. Identifying Syllables18
Unit 3 Syllable Stress18
Unit 3 Syllable Stress18
2. Syllable Stress19
3. Check Your Listening22
4. Reduced Vowels in Unstressed Syllables23
5. Check Your Listening24
6. Stress in Words With Prefixes and Suffixes24
7. Shifts in Stress26
8. Stress in Compound Nouns28
9. Further Practice32
Unit 4 Vowel and Consonant Length34
1. Lengthening of Vowels Before Consonants34
Unit 4 Vowel and Consonant Length34
2. Lengthening of Vowels at the End of Sentences36
3. Lengthening of Consonants at the End of Sentences37
4. Further Practice39
Unit 5 Content Words and Function Words40
1. Content and Function Words40
Unit 5 Content Words and Function Words40
3. Function Words41
2. Content Words41
5. Function Words in Phrases and Sentences44
4. Check Your Listening44
6. Rhythm of English48
7. More Reductions49
8. Further Practice51
1. Word Stress in Sentences52
Unit 6 Word Stress and Phrasing52
Unit 6 Word Stress and Phrasing52
2. Phrasing and Linking53
3. Phrasing and Pausing55
4. Numbers58
5. Further Practice60
Unit 7 Intonation62
1. Rising and Falling Intonation62
Unit 7 Intonation62
2. Falling Intonation63
3. Rising Intonation64
5. Check Your Listening65
4. Tag Questions65
6. Speaker Attitude66
7. Dialog69
8. Further Practice70
Unit 8 Using a Dictionary for Pronunciation71
1. Dictionary Pages71
Unit 8 Using a Dictionary for Pronunciation71
2. Recognizing Syllables74
3. Recognizing the Stressed Syllable74
4. Recognizing Primary Stress75
5. Grouping by Parts of Speech75
6. Recognizing Vowel Sounds76
7. Recognizing Phonetic Symbols for Vowels76
8. Further Practice76
Vowel Chart79
Part 3 Vowel Sounds79
Vowel Chart79
Part 3 Vowel Sounds79
2. Producing/?/82
1. Producing/iy/82
Unit9 /iy/ as in see/?/as in sit82
Unit 9 /iy/as in see/I/as in sit82
4. Check Your Listening83
3. Contrast:/iy/and/i83
5. Practice the Contrast:/iy/as in see with/?/as in sit84
6. Stress and Intonation87
7. Further Practice88
Unit 10 /ey/as in pay;/?/as in met90
1. Producing/ey/90
Unit 10 /ey/as in pa_j/;/?/as in met90
2. Producing/e/91
3. Contrast:/ey/and/?/91
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in met with/ey/as in pay92
4. Check Your Listening92
6. Stress and Intonation95
7. Further Practice96
Unit 11 /?/as in cat98
2. Contrast:/?/and/?/98
Unit 11 /?/as in cat98
1. Producing/?/98
3. Check Your Listening99
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in cat with/e/as in met100
5. Stress and Intonation103
6. Further Practice104
Unit 12 /?/as in not105
1. Producing/?/105
2. Contrast:/?/,/?/, and/?/105
Unit 12 /?/as in not105
3. Check Your Listening106
4. Practice the Contrast:/a/as in not, /?/as in cat, and/?/as in met107
5. Stress and Intonation110
6. Dialogs111
7. Further Practice112
Unit 13 /ay/ as in buy114
1. Producing/ay/114
2. Contrast:/ay/and/?/114
Unit 13 /ay/as in buy114
3. Check Your Listening115
4. Practice the Contrast:/ay/as in buy with/?/as in cat116
5. Stress and Intonation117
6. Further Practice118
Unit 14 /aw/as in now119
Unit 14 /aw/as in now119
1. Producing/aw/119
2. Contrast:/aw/and/?/119
3. Check Your Listening120
4. Practice the Contrast:/aw/as in now with/a/as in not121
5. Stress and Intonation123
6. Further Practice124
Unit 15 /?/as in up125
1. Producing/?/125
2. Contrast:/?/,/?/?/, and/?/125
Unit 15 /?/as in up125
3. Check Your Listening126
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in cat127
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in met128
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in up with/?/as in not130
7. /?/in Unstressed Syllables131
8. Stress and Intonation132
9. Further Practice133
Unit 16 /?/as in sir134
1. Producing/?/134
Unit 16 /?r/as in sir134
2. Contrast:/?/and/?/135
3. Check Your Listening135
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in sir/?/as in far and/?/as in up136
5. Spelling of/?/138
6. Stress and Intonation140
7. Further Practice141
Unit 17 /?y/as in boy142
Unit 17 /?/as in boy142
1. Producing/?/142
2. Practice the Sound142
3. Check Your Listening143
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/ as in boy with/ay/as in buy144
5. Stress and Intonation145
6. Further Practice146
Unit 18 /?/as in all147
1. Producing/?/147
2. Contrast:/?/, /?/,/?/, and/?/147
Unit 18 /?/as in all147
3. Check Your Listening148
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in boy149
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in up150
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in all with/?/as in not151
7. Stress and Intonation153
8. Further Practice155
2. Contrast:/ow/,/?/,/?/, and/?/156
1. Producing/ow/156
Unit 19 /ow/as in no156
Unit 19 /ow/as in no156
3. Check Your Listening157
4. Practice the Contrast:/ow/as in no with/?/as in all158
5. Practice the Contrast:/ow/as in no /?/as not, and/o/as in up159
6. Stress and Intonation161
7. Further Practice162
Unit 20 /?w/as in do/?/as in book163
1. Producing/uw/163
Unit 20 /uw/as in do;/?/as in book163
3. Contrast:/uw/, /?/, and/?/164
2. Producing/?/164
4. Check Your Listening165
5. Practice the Contrast:/uw/as in do with/u/as in book165
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in book with/?/as in up167
7. Stress and Intonation169
8. Dialog169
9. Further Practice170
Part 4 Consonant Sounds173
part 4 Consonant Sounds173
Consonant Chart176
Consonant Chart176
Unit 21 /?/as in like178
Unit 21 /l/as in like178
1. Producing/l/178
2. Practice the Sound178
3. Check Your Listening179
4. Different Positions of/l/179
5. No Sound for l180
6. Stress and Intonation181
7. Further Practice182
1. Producing/r/183
2. Practice the Sound183
Unit 22 /r/as in red183
Unit 22 /r/as in red183
3. Check Your Listening184
4. Practice the Contrast:/r/as in red with/l/as in like185
5. Practice the Contrast:/r/as in red with/w/as in walk187
6. Different Positions of/r/189
7. Stress and Intonation190
8. Further Practice191
Unit 23 /p/as in/pen;/b/as in boy192
Unit 23 /p/ as in pen;/b/ as in boy192
1. Producing/p/192
2. Producing/b/193
3. Contrast:/p/and/b/193
4. Check Your Listening194
5. Practice the Contrast:/p/as in pen with/b/as in boy195
6. Consonant Clusters With/p/as in pen and/b/as in boy197
7. Doubled Consonants198
8. No Sound for b and p199
9. Stress and Intonation200
10. Further Practice200
Unit 24 /t/as in ten;/d/as in day202
Unit 24 /t/as in ten;/d/as in day202
1. Producing/t/202
2. Producing/d/203
3. Contrast:/t/and/d/203
4. Check Your Listening204
5. Practice the Contrast:/t/as in ten with/d/as in day205
6. Consonant Clusters With/t/as in ten and/d/as in day207
7. When/t/Sounds Like/d/207
8. Consonant Clusters/lt/and/Id/208
9. Syllabic/l/After/t/and/d/209
10. Stress and Intonation210
11. Pronunciation of the -ed Ending211
12. Practice/t/,/d/, and/?/ Endings212
13. Further Practice213
Unit 25 /k/as in cat;/g/as in go215
Unit 25 /k/ as in _cat, /g/ as in go215
1. Producing/k/215
2. Producing/g/216
3. Contrast:/k/and/g/216
4. Check Your Listening217
5. Practice the Contrast:/k/as in cat with/g/as in go218
6. Consonant Clusters With/k/as in cat and/g/as in go220
7. Sounds for the Letters cc221
8. Sounds for the Letter x222
9. Sounds for the Letters qu223
10. No Sound for k and g224
11. Stress and Intonation224
12. Further Practice225
Unit 26 /f/as in food;/v/as in voice226
Unit 26 /f/as in food/v/as in voice226
1. Producing/f/226
2. Producing/v/226
3. Contrast:/f/and/v/227
4. Check Your Listening227
5. Practice the Contrast:/f/as in food with/v/as in voice228
6. Practice the Contrast:/f/as in food with/p/as in pen230
7. Practice the Contrast:/v/as in voice with/b/as in boy232
8. Consonant Clusters With/fl/and/fr/234
9. Stress and Intonation235
10. Further Practice237
Unit 27 /?/as in thin;/?/as in the238
Unit 27 /?/as in thin;/?/as in the238
1. Producing/?/238
2. Producing/?/239
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/239
4. Check Your Listening240
5. Most Common Words With/?/241
6. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in thin with/t/as in ten241
7. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in the with/d/as in day243
8. Consonant Clusters With/?/as in thin244
9. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in thin with/f/as in food245
10. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in the with/v/as in voice247
11. Stress and Intonation248
12. Further Practice249
Unit 28 /s/as in see;/z/as in zoo250
Unit 28 /s/as in see;/z/as in zoo250
1. Producing/s/250
2. Producing/z/251
3. Contrast:/s/and/z/251
4. Check Your Listening252
5. Practice the Contrast:/s/as in see with/z/as in zoo252
6. Practice the Contrast:/s/as in see with/?/as in thin254
7. Practice the Contrast:/z/as in zoo with/?/as in the256
8. Consonant Clusters With/s/257
9. Consonant Clusters/sks/,/sps/,and/sts/258
10. Pronunciation of the -s Ending259
11. Stress and Intonation263
12. Further Practice264
Unit 29 /?/as in she;/3/as in pleasure266
Unit 29 /?/as in she;/?/as in pleasure266
1. Producing/?/266
2. Producing/?/267
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/267
4. Check Your Listening268
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in she with/s/as in see268
6. Stress and Intonation270
7. Further Practice271
Unit 30 /tf/as in child;/?/as in job272
Unit 30 /?/as in child;/?/as in job272
1. Producing/?/272
2. Producing/?/273
3. Contrast:/?/and/?/273
4. Check Your Listening274
5. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in child with/?/as in job274
6. Practice the Contrast:Final/?/with final/ts/276
7. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in child with/?/as in she277
8. Stress and Intonation279
9. Further Practice280
Unit 31 /h/as in house282
1. Producing/h/282
Unit 31 /h/as in house282
2. Practice the Sound282
3. Check Your Listening283
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with initial/h/as in house and words without/h/283
5. Practice the Contrast:/h/as in house with/f/as in food284
6. No Sound for h and gh285
7. Stress and Intonation287
8. Further Practice287
Unit 32 /y/as in yes289
1. Producing/y/289
Unit 32 /y/as in yes289
2. Practice the Sound290
3. Check Your Listening290
4. Practice the Contrast:/y/as in yes with/d?/as in job290
5. Consonant-Vowel Combination/yuw/293
6. Stress and Intonation293
7. Further Practice294
Unit 33 /w/as in walk296
Unit 33 /w/as in walk296
1. Producing/w/296
2. Practice the Sound297
3. Check Your Listening297
4. Practice the Contrast:/w/as in walk with/v/as in voice298
5. No Sound for w299
6. Stress and Intonation300
7. Further Practice301
Unit 34 /m/as in me302
1. Producing/m/302
2. Practice the Sound302
Unit 34 /m/as in me302
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with final/m/as in come and words without final/m/303
3. Check Your Listening303
5. Contraction I m305
6. Stress and Intonation306
7. Further Practice307
Unit 35 /n/as in no308
1. Producing/n/308
2. Practice the Sound308
Unit 35 /n/as in no308
3. Check Your Listening309
4. Practice the Contrast:Words with final/n/as in soon and words without final/n/310
5. Practice the Contrast:Final/n/as in soon with final/l/as in well311
6. Practice the Contrast:Final/n/as in soon with final/m/as in come312
7. Syllabic/n/313
8. Stress and Intonation314
9. Further Practice315
Unit 36 /?/as in king316
1. Producing/?/316
Unit 36 /?/as in king316
3. Check Your Listening317
2. Practice the Sound317
4. Practice the Contrast:/?/as in king /n/as in no, and/?k/as in bank,318
5. ng Rules320
6. Stress and Intonation322
7. Further Practice323
Appendix Homophones325
Answer Key (参考答案)339
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