

  • 胡敏主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国广播电视出版社
  • ISBN:750434639X
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:600页
  • 文件大小:145MB
  • 文件页数:615页
  • 主题词:英语-词汇-研究生-入学考试-美国-自学参考资料


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1.A Good Man Among Few of the Same 一个不可多得的好人1

2.Turn the Key in the Ignition 发动引擎4

3.His Latest Trick 他的最新小把戏7

4.An Affidavit 一份宣誓书10

5.Of All the Ways 各种方法13

6.Snowflake 雪花16

7.The Analogous Anagram 类似的颠倒字19

8.An Anonymous Anecdote 匿名轶事22

9.An Anthropoid in Antarctica 南极洲的类人动物25

10.The Appealing Applicant 有吸引力的申请者28

11.The Apprentice 学徒31

12.The Arena 竞技场34

13.Family Man 居家男人37

14.The Family Photo 家庭照片40

15.Northern Autonomous Region 北方自治区43

16.Pity the Inappropriate 可怜不合时宜的人46

17.The County Down 小县城49

18.Consider This 想想看52

19.Through the Ages 这么多年来55

20.Murder World 谋杀世界58

21.Tom's Day in the Park 汤姆逛公园61

22.The Treasure Chest 财宝箱64

23.The Pirate Named Captain Roberts 海盗罗伯特船长67

24.Billy and the Bully 比利和坏蛋70

25.An Old Man's Story 一位老人的故事73

26.The Cantankerous Old Vicar 坏脾气老牧师76

27.What the Cat Saw 猫之所见79

28.The Mystical Army of Mousedale 毛斯戴尔的神秘军队82

29.The Crazy,Chauvinistic Chef 疯狂的沙文主义大厨85

30.Mrs.Simpson's Little Stars 辛普森夫人的小星星88

31.The Citadel 根据地91

32.The Clumsy Clown 笨拙的小丑94

33.Roman Investigation 罗马调查97

34.The Compassionate Society 仁爱社会100

35.The Beautician 美容师103

36.The Con Artist 蒙事儿的艺术骗子106

37.Friendly Fire 友好的大火109

38.The King's Consort 国王的配偶112

39.Even Presidents Make Mistakes 总统也会犯错115

40.The Coroner's Conscience 验尸官的良心118

41.Jonesville 琼斯维尔小镇121

42.Postal Corniers' Creed 信使的信条124

43.A Cryptic Cult 神秘的邪教127

44.The Caretaker 管理人130

45.The Debutante 初进社交界的少女133

46.The Detective and the Deceased 侦探与死者136

47.The Contract 合同139

48.The Football Game 足球赛142

49.The Conspiracy 阴谋145

50.The Desperado 亡命之徒148

51.Local Government 地方政府151

52.The Highwayman's Story 骑马强盗的故事154

53.Take it Easy! 别紧张!157

54.Cleaning Day 扫除日160

55.Cutting up People 解剖人体163

56.The Retired Couple 退休夫妇166

57.Restless 坐立不安169

58.The Rural Garage 乡下汽车修理厂172

59.The Home for Retired Scientists 退休科学家之家175

60.The Polluter 污染者178

61.Death of a Salesman 推销员之死181

62.The Guest 客人184

63.The Enigma 迷187

64.The Entrepreneur 企业家190

65.Mother Earth Meets General Zog 大地母亲遇到佐格将军193

66.New Kind of School 新型学校196

67.Traditional Architecture 传统建筑199

68.Search for a Serial Killer 寻找连环杀手202

69.Meeting of International Council 国际委员会会议205

70.Extradition Hearings 引渡审讯208

71.Pigeon Racing 鸽子比赛211

72.Down on the Farm 在农场上214

73.Meet the Fickers! 见见菲克一家人!217

74.Master and Commander 船长与中校220

75.A Farmhouse by the Coast 海边农舍223

76.A History in the Trees 林中历史226

77.Equality Under Attack 平等受到攻击229

78.From Frivolity to Fame 从轻浮到成名232

79.Fungi Are Fun Guys 真菌是有趣的家伙235

80.Born to Be Gauche 天生的笨蛋238

81.The Science of Age 年龄的科学241

82.An Afternoon with a Gladiator 与角斗士共度一下午244

83.The Graduate 毕业生247

84.American Football 美式足球250

85.A Moming in the Wilderness 荒野中的早晨253

86.In Hertford,Hereford and Hampshire,Hurricanes Hardly Ever Happen 飓风何所惧!256

87.Loving London 爱上伦敦259

88.Amoeba or Henpecked Husband—They're One and the Same!! 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫——本是同根生!262

89.Head for Some Houmous in This Hotspot 旅游热点265

90.All Hail to the Hubbub! 向喧闹致敬!268

91.The Mad Scientist 疯狂的科学家271

92.The Cave Dweller 住在洞里的人274

93.Imp Wars 小精灵之战277

94.Jim's Den 吉姆的洞穴280

95.The Accident 事故283

96.The Explorer 探索者286

97.The Indigenous Cultures 本土文化289

98.The World of Films 电影世界292

99.The Escape 逃跑295

100.Human Nature 人类本性298

101.The Revolutionary Musician 革命音乐家301

102.The Reporter 记者304

103.The Two Mayors 两个市长307

104.The Inheritance 继承310

105.I Like Trucking! 我喜欢开卡车!313

106.A Close-Knit Family 亲密家庭316

107.The Truth About Love 爱的真谛319

108.All the Fun of the Fair! 集市的乐趣!322

109.Lingering Stars 徘徊的星星325

110.The Courtroom 法庭328

111.The Lumberjack 伐木工人331

112.Employee of the Month 月度最佳员工334

113.Resurrection 复活337

114.Classmates 同班同学340

115.The Pianist 钢琴家343

116.Experimental 实验性的346

117.Operation Lift 军事行动349

118.The Arms Dealer 军火商352

119.In Search of Death 寻找死亡355

120.Our Street 我们的街道358

121.The Artistic Soldier 艺术家士兵361

122.A Strange Flight 奇怪的飞行364

123.An Evening with a Philosopher 与哲学家共度一个晚上367

124.A Numismatist's Dream 钱币研究家的梦想370

125.The Hit 职业杀手373

126.Moving to the West 走向西方376

127.The Life of a Priest 神父的生活379

128.The Generals 将军382

129.The Success of a Football Club 足球俱乐部的成功385

130.The Pageant 盛会388

131.The Parish Pantomime 教区哑剧391

132.Learning 学习394

133.The Paediatrician 儿科医师397

134.The Road to Perdition 地狱之路400

135.The Petitioner 请愿者403

136.A Phenomenal Phonetic Class 非凡的语音班406

137.The Plagiarizing Pilgrim 抄袭的朝圣者409

138.The Plumber's Mother 水管工人的母亲412

139.The Podiatrist and the Polygamist 足病医生和多妻的男人415

140.Clairvoyant Powers 透视能力418

141.T-Rex 食肉恐龙塔雷克斯421

142.The Fortune Teller 算命先生424

143.Precious,The Principal Proctor 主学监普莱西斯427

144.The Profiteer 奸商430

145.The Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环保车辆433

146.The Psychology of Boxing 拳击心理学436

147.A Short Tale 小故事439

148.Lighting Fires 点火442

149.Forest Fights 森林之战445

150.Talking With Talent 很会说话448

151.A Medieval Trial 中世纪的审判451

152.Three Election Manifestoes 三份选举宣言454

153.The Dress Rehearsal 彩排457

154.The Bounty Hunter 为了赏金460

155.Extortion 强取豪夺463

156.The Return of the King 国王归来466

157.The Debate 辩论469

158.The Border Guard 边境卫兵472

159.The Boarding School 寄宿学校475

160.The Outlaw 歹徒478

161.The Execution 执行死刑481

162.Emergency Room 急诊室484

163.On Ship 在船上487

164.Think Before You Speak 想好再说490

165.The Holy Man 圣人493

166.Houses Built With Love 用爱建造的小屋496

167.The Shrine 神殿499

168.Tough Cooking 厨师难当502

169.Sleeping on the Job 偷懒505

170.Drinking Stories 杯中故事508

171.Caught in a Blizzard 遇到大风雪511

172.Cave Man 住在洞里的人514

173.The Parachute Jump 跳伞517

174.Killer Zombies 6—The Ultimate Penultimate Massacre 电影《鬼吃鬼6》——终极第二大屠杀520

175.Body on Board 船上的尸体523

176.Under Siege 被包围526

177.The Art Exhibition 美术展览529

178.Construction Corruption 建筑腐败532

179.Science and Money 科学与金钱535

180.On Watch 监视538

181.The Date 约会541

182.Who's Afraid of Spiders? 谁害怕蜘蛛?544

183.A Cottage for Rent 待租的小屋547

184.A Song for Every Occasion 想唱就能唱550

185.The People You Meet 你遇到的人553

186.Pollution on the Sarang Canal 萨兰运河上的污染556

187.The Circus 马戏团559

188.Trivia Contests 琐事比赛562

189.International Adoption 跨国领养565

190.Battle of the Architects 建筑师之战568

191.Unicorn Extinction 独角兽的灭绝571

192.Raising Arizona 崛起的亚利桑那574

193.The Vampire 吸血鬼577

194.A Man of Many Talents 多才多艺的男人580

195.The Vicar 教区牧师583

196.Man and Wife 夫妇586

197.At the Zoo 在动物园589

198.At the Log Cabin 在小木屋592

199.The Wild West 狂野的西部595

200.Wayne's World 韦恩的世界598
