
- 中国出口商品包装研究所,商务部出口商品包装技术服务中心编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国商务出版社
- ISBN:9787801817242
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:491页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:501页
- 主题词:包装-法规-汇编-北美洲;包装-法规-汇编-欧洲;包装-标准-汇编-北美洲;包装-标准-汇编-欧洲
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第一部分 包装法规1
1.美国国家公示法案《包装中的毒物》 Model Legislation《Toxics in Packaging》 1
2.美国《联邦法典》第16卷(第500、501、502、503部分)《销售包装和标签法》 Code of Federal Regulations/Title 16:Regulations Under Section 4 the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act 5
3.美国《联邦法典》第16卷第1500、1505、1511部分《危险物质和商品——经营和管理规章》(节选) Code of Federal Regulations/Title 16:part:1500 Hazardous Substances and Articles;Administra-tion and Enforcement Regulations 28
4.美国食品药物管理局(行业指导)《预先的食品接触通告—食品接触物质:毒物学介绍》 U.S.Food and Drug Administration:Preparation of Food Contact Notifications for Food Contact Substances:Toxicology Recommendations 55
5.加拿大国家法律第C-38章《消费品包装和标签法》 C-38(Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act) 65
6.加拿大国家法规第C.R.C.,c.417章《消费品包装和标签法规》 C.R.C.,c.417 Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations 75
7.加拿大国家法律第T-10章《纺织品标签法》 T-10 Textile Labelling Act 96
8.加拿大国家法规第C.R.C.,c.1551章《纺织品标签和广告法规》 C.R.C.,c.1551 Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations 103
9.加拿大国家法规第C.R.C.,c.285章《新鲜水果和蔬菜法规》 C.R.C.,c.285 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations 123
10.加拿大国家法律第W—6—C.R.C.,c.1605章《度量衡法》(附表) W—6—C.R.C.,c.1605 Weights and Measures Act 137
第二部分 技术标准142
1.美国国家/美国保险商实验室标准ANSI/UL 969《标识和标签系统安全标准》 ANSI/UL 969 Standard for Safety for Marking and Labeling Systems 142
2.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM D 4169—04a《运输包装箱及其系统性能测试规范》 ASTM D 4169—04a Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems 150
3.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM D 6198—01el《运输包装设计指南》 ASTM D 6198—01el Standard Guide for Transport Packaging Design 168
4.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM D 3951—98(2004年再核准)《商业包装规程》 ASTM D 3951—98(Reapproved 2004)Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging 174
5.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM F 1640—03《选择和使用辐照灭菌食品包装材料指南》 ASTM F 1640—03 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Packaging Materials for Foods to Be Irra-diated 176
6.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM D 3892—93(2003年再核准)《塑料包装和包装件规程》 ASTM D 3892—93(Reapproved 2003)Standard Practice for Packaging/Packing of Plastics 183
7.美国材料试验学会标准ASTM F 963—03《消费者安全标准——玩具安全规范》(第5条) ASTM F 963—03 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety 185
8.墨西哥法定国家标准NOM-050-SCFI—2004《商品信息—产品的普通标签》 NOM-050-SCFI—2004 Commercial Information-General Labeling of Products. 190
9.墨西哥法定国家标准PROY-NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002《产品和服务—国内销售的家用产品的标签和包装》 Proy-NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002 Products and Services.Labeling and Packaging for Housekeeping Products for Domestic. 196
第三部分 包装法规205
1.欧洲议会和理事会关于包装和包装废弃物的指令94/62/EC European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on Packaging and Packa-ging Waste 205
2.批准奥地利依据指令94/62/EC第6(6)款采取措施的委员会决议(1999/42/EC) Commission Decision Confirming the Measures Notified by Austria Pursuant to Article 6(6)of Di-rective 94/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Packaging and Packaging Waste(1999/42/EC) 216
3.关于有条件的接受塑料箱和托盘降低指令94/62/EC重金属含量要求的委员会决议(1999/177/EC) Commission Decision Establishing the Conditions for a Derogation for Plastic Crates and Plastic Pal-lets in Relation to the Heavy Metal Concentration Levels Established in Directive 94/62/EC on Packa-ging and Packaging Waste(1999/177/EC) 220
4.在欧洲共同体官方期刊上颁布关于包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC的协调标准EN 13428:2000、EN13429:2000、EN 13430:2000、EN 13431:2000和EN 13432:2000的委员会决议(2001/524/EC) Commission Decision Relating to the Publication of References for Standards EN 13428:2000,EN 13429:2000,EN 13430:2000,EN 13431:2000 and EN 13432:2000 in the Official Journal of the European Communities in Connection with Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste(2001/524/EC) 222
5.欧洲议会和理事会关于包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC的修正案2004/12/EC Directive 2004/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 Amending Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste 224
6.欧洲议会和理事会关于包装和包装废弃物指令94/62/EC的修正案2005/20/EC Directive 2005/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2005 Amending Di-rective 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste 229
7.关于统一成员国预包装产品按明确的重量或容量制造的法律的理事会指令76/211/EEC Council Directive 76/211/EEC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to the Making-up by Weight or by Volume of Certain Prepackaged Products 230
8.关于人类使用医药产品的标签和说明书的理事会指令92/27/EEC Council Directive on the Labelling of Medicinal Products for Human Use and on Package Leaflets 236
9.关于食品营养标签的理事会指令90/496/EEC Council Directive 90/496/EEC on Nutrition Labelling for Foodstuffs 241
10.关于食品营养标签指令90/496/EEC的修正案2003/120/EC Commission Directive 2003/120/ECAmending Directive 90/496/EEC on Nutrition Labeling for Foodstuffs 246
11.欧洲议会和理事会关于接触食品的材料及其物品和废止指令80/590/EEC和89/109/EEC的第1935/2004号法规 Regulation(EC)No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food and Repealing Directives 80/590/EECand 89/109/EEC 247
12.关于预期接触食品的塑性材料和制品的成分迁移测试的基本规则的理事会指令82/711/EEC及其修正案93/8/EEC和97/48/EC Council Directive 82/711/EEC of 18 October 1982 Laying Down the Basic Rules Necessary for Tes-ting Migration of the Constituents of Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 258
13.关于统一成员国预期接触食品的陶瓷制品的法律的理事会指令84/500/EEC Council Directive 84/500/EEC of 15 October 1984 on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Ceramic Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 266
14.鉴于预期接触食品的陶器制品的分析方法的准则和符合声明的实施修正84/500/EEC的委员会指令2005/31/EC Commission Directive 2005/31/EC of 29 April 2005 Amending Council Directive 84/500/EEC as Re-gards a Declaration of Compliance and Performance Criteria of the Analytical Method for Ceramic Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 268
15.关于预期接触食品的再生纤维素薄膜制造的材料和制品的委员会指令93/10/EEC及其修正案93/111/EC和2004/14/EC Commission Directive 93/10/EEC of 15 March 1993 Relation to Materials and Articles Made of Re-generated Cellulose film Intended to come into Contact With Foodstuffs 271
16.关于预期接触食品的塑性材料和物品的委员会指令2002/72/EC Commission Directive of 6 August 2002 Relating to Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 282
17.鉴于中止使用偶氮二甲酰胺作为发泡剂修正2002/72/EC的委员会指令2004/1/EC Commission Directive 2004/1/EC of 6 January 2004 Amending Directive 2002/72/EC as Regards the Suspension of the use of a Zodicarbonamide as Blowing Agent 339
18.修正预期接触食品的塑性材料和制品的指令2002/72/EEC的委员会指令2004/19/EC Commission Directive 2004/19/EC of 1 March 2004 Amending Directive 2002/72/EC Relating to Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 341
19.修正预期接触食品的塑性材料和制品的2002/72/EEC的委员会指令2005/79/EC Commission Directive 2005/79/EC of 18 November 2005 Amending Directive 2002/72/EC Relating to Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to come into Contact with Food 354
20.关于预期接触食品的材料和制品中环氧衍生物应用的委员会指令2001/61/EC Commission Directive 2001/61/EC of 8 August 2001 on the use of Certain Epoxy Derivatives in Ma-terials and Articles Intended to come into Contact with Foodstuffs 365
21.关于预期接触食品的材料和制品中环氧衍生物应用的委员会指令2002/16/EC Commission Directive 2002/16/EC of 20 February 2002 on the Use of Certain Epoxy Derivatives in Materials and Articles Intended to come Into Contact with Foodstuffs 368
22.修正预期接触食品的材料和制品中环氧衍生物应用的指令2002/16/EC的委员会指令2004/13/EC Commission Directive 2004/13/EC of 29 January 2004 Amending Directive 2002/16/EC on the Use of Certain Epoxy Derivatives in Materials and Articles Intended to come Into Contact with Food-stuffs 372
第四部分 技术标准374
1.EN13193:2000 包装—包装与环境—术语 EN13193:2000 Packaging—Packaging and the Environment—Terminology 374
2.EN 13427:2004 关于包装和包装废弃物的欧洲标准的使用要求 EN 13427:2004 Packaging-Requirements for the Use of European Standards in the Field of Packa-ging and Packaging Waste 381
3.EN 13428:2004 包装——制造和成分的特殊要求——预先减少用量 EN 13428:2004 Packaging-Requirements Specific to Manufacturing and Composition-Prevention by Source Reduction 387
4.EN 13429:2004 包装——重复使用 EN 13429:2004 Packaging-Reuse 399
5.EN 13430:2004 包装——材料循环再生—包装可回收利用的条件 EN 13430:2004 Packaging-Requirements for Packaging Recoverable by Material Recycling 410
6.EN 13431:2004 包装——能源回收利用—包装可回收利用的要求—最低热量值的陈述 EN 13431:2004 Packaging-Requirements for Packaging Recoverable in the form of Energy Recov-ery,Including Specification of Minimum Inferior Calorific Value 423
7.EN 13432:2000 包装——堆肥和生物降解—包装可回收的条件—试验方案和最终验收的准则 EN 13432:2000 Packaging-Requirements for Packaging Recoverable Through Composting and Bio-degradation-Test Scheme and Evaluation Criteria for the Final Acceptance of Packaging 433
8.CEN/TR 13695—2 2004 包装—检测和验证包装中存在的四个重金属和其他危害物质及其在环境中排放的要求—第2部分:检测和验证包装中存在的危害物质及其在环境中排放的要求 CEN/TR 13695—2 2004 Packaging—Requirements for Measuring and Verifying the four Heavy Metals and Other Dangerous Substances Present in Packaging,and Their Release into the Environ-ment—Part 2:Requirements for Measuring and Verifying Dangerous Substances Present in Packa-ging,and Their Release into the Environment 442
附加部分 ISO等国际组织有关包装的技术规范或标准460
1.ISO标准ISO—7558《水果和蔬菜预包装指南》 ISO—7558(First Edition—1988—12—01)[(90;93)(2005—2—08)]Guide to the Prepacking of Fruits and Vegetables 460
2.ISO标准ISO—6661《新鲜水果和蔬菜——陆路运输直方体包装件堆码》 ISO—6661(First edition—1983—12—01)[(90;93)(2005—2—08)]Fresh Fruit and Vegeta-bles—Arrangement of Parallelepipedic Packages in Land Transport Vehicles 465
3.国际植物检疫措施标准ISPM NO.15.2002.《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则》 ISPM NO.15.2002. 469
4.国际食品法典委员会标准CAC/RCP 46—1999《冷冻包装食品延长货架寿命的卫生操作规范》 Code of Hygienic Practice for Refrigerated Packaged Foods with Extended Shelf Life 478
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