
- 赵杨著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
- ISBN:7301105010
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:337页
- 文件大小:17MB
- 文件页数:359页
- 主题词:汉语-语法-研究-英文
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1 Introduction1
2 Unaccusative verbs and psych verbs8
2.1 Unaccusative verbs and causativity9
2.1.1 Subclasses11
2.1.2 Case12
2.1.3 Causative alternation13 Morphological formation14 Semantic representations15 Syntactic derivations20
2.1.4 Unaccusative verbs in Chinese25 Surface and deep unaccusativity25 Causative alternation27 Non-accomplishment verbs27 Partitive case30 θ-roles33
2.1.5 Unaccusative verbs in Japanese34
2.1.6 Unaccusative verbs in Korean36
2.1.7 Summary37
2.2 Psych verbs and causativity39
2.2.1 Semantic representations39
2.2.2 Syntactic derivations41
2.2.3 Psych verbs in Chinese44 SE verbs and OE verbs44 Decausativized psych verbs44 Syntactic derivations46
2.2.4 Psych verbs in Japanese49
2.2.5 Psych verbs in Korean50
2.2.6 Summary51
2.3 Summary53
3 Resultative and compound causative constructions60
3.1 Resultative constructions in English62
3.1.1 The result XP and DOR64
3.1.2 Semantic and syntactic representations67 The small-clause proposal67 The ternary-analysis approach70 A solution with VP shell71
3.2 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Chinese72
3.2.1 Previous studies on resultatives and compound causatives74 Y.Li(1990,1995,1998)74 C.-T.Huang(1992)78 Tang(1997)80
3.2.2 A proposal of AspP84 The derivation of resultative constructions85 The derivation of compound causative constructions90
3.3 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Japanese95
3.4 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Korean98
3.5 Summary100
4 Second language acquisition and causativity108
4.1 A brief review of SLA studies109
4.1.1 L1 transfer111
4.1.2 Interlanguage114
4.1.3 Functional categories116
4.1.4 Learnability problems118
4.2 SLA studies of causativity121
4.2.1 Previous studies121 Juffs(1996b)121 White et al(1999)123 Montrul(1999)124 Montrul(2000)127 Montrul(2001a)129 Cabrera and Zubizarreta(2003)132
4.2.2 Summary of the findings134
4.3 Summary136
5 Research methodology of the present study138
5.1 Causativity in Chinese,English,Japanese and Korean139
5.2 Research questions and hypotheses146
5.2.1 Unaccusative verbs and psych verbs146
5.2.2 Resultative and compound causative constructions148
5.2.3 The analytical causative construction152
5.3 Participants152
5.4 Procedures and Instruments156
5.4.1 Data-collecting procedures156
5.4.2 Instruments157 The production test158 The acceptability judgment test160 Psych verbs and unaccusative verbs in the AJ test161 Resultative and compound causative constructions in the AJ test164 The comprehension test169
5.5 Summary174
6 Results and discussion:psych verbs and unaccusative verbs176
6.1 Psych verbs177
6.1.1 Results of the AJ test178 Psych verbs used in the analytical causative construction180 Psych verbs misused as OE verbs181
6.1.2 Results of the production test182 Psych verbs used in the analytical causative construction183 Psych verbs misused as OE verbs186
6.1.3 Summary190
6.2 Unaccusative verbs192
6.2.1 Results of the AJ test192 L2 Chinese learners'judgments on the ungrammatical alternating unaccusative structures195 Comparisons between judgments on unaccusative verbs and transitive verbs199
6.2.2 Results of the production test201
6.2.3 Summary204
6.3 Comparisons between psych verbs and unaccusative verbs in the group's judgments205
6.4 Discussion207
6.4.1 The acquisition of Chinese analytical causative construction208
6.4.2 Causative errors with unaccusative verbs209
6.4.3 Fossilized representations of unaccusative verbs211
7 Results and discussion:resultative and compound causative constructions218
7.1 Resultative constructions219
7.1.1 Results of the AJ test219
7.1.2 Results of the comprehension test224 Resultative construction:Type A226 Resultative construction:Type B229
7.1.3 Summary232
7.2 Compound causative constructions233
7.2.1 Results of the AJ test233 Comparisons between L2 proficiency groups and comparisons between L2 groups from different L1s236 A closer examination of different types of compound causatives239
7.2.2 Results of the comprehension test242
7.2.3 Summary249
7.3 Comparisons between results on the resultative construction,the compound causative construction and the V-NP-XP structure249
7.4 Discussion254
7.4.1 The acquisition of the resultative construction254
7.4.2 The acquisition of the compound causative construction256 L2 Chinese representations of compound causatives257 L1 transfer264
8 Representations of causativity in L2 Chinese:summary,implication and conclusion269
8.1 Summary of the empirical study270
8.2 General discussion:theoretical issues in SLA revisited273
8.2.1 L1 transfer273
8.2.2 Functional categories277
8.2.3 Fossilization279
8.3 Implications for future research280
8.4 Conclusion282
1 General introductions and personal information308
2 Cloze test309
3 The production test311
4 The acceptability judgment test312
5 Pictures used in the comprehension test320
6 Testing items used in the experiment321
7 Descriptive statistics327
8 Pair-wise comparisons between judgments on compound causatives in the AJ test335
4.1 The subset condition for two grammars119
6.1 Psych-verb structures:mean scores in the AJ test179
6.2 Analytical causative construction:mean scores of the transformed data in the production test185
6.3 Psych verbs:mean scores of the transformed data in the production test188
6.4 The unaccusative structure with the Theme argument as sentence subject:mean scores in the AJ test193
6.5 The incorrect alternating unaccusative structures and the correct transitive control structures:mean scores in the AJ test195
6.6 Unaccusative verbs:mean scores of the transformed data in the production test203
6.7 The incorrect OE-verb structure and the incorrect alternating unaccusative structure:mean scores in the AJ test206
7.1 Resultative constructions:mean scores in the AJ test221
7.2 Compound causative constructions:mean scores in the AJ test235
7.3 Comparisons between the resultative construction,the compound causative construction and the V-NP-XP structure:mean scores in the AJ test251
2.1 Summary:properties of unaccusative verbs in Chinese,English,Japanese and Korean in relation to causativity37
2.2 Summary:properties of psych verbs in Chinese,English,Japanese and Korean in relation to causativity51
3.1 Summary:resultative and compound causative constructions in Chinese,English,Japanese and Korean101
4.1 Previous studies on the acquisition of L2 alternating unaccusative verbs and psych verbs135
5.1 Information of the subjects in the study154
5.2 The mean score and standard deviation(SD)of each subject group in the cloze test154
6.1 The number and percentage of grammatical analytical causative sentences formed and consistent subjects who formed such sentences in the production test184
6.2 Psych verbs:the number and percentage of three types of structure formed and subjects who consistently formed such structures in the production test186
6.3 Summary of results on the analytical causative construction and the incorrect OE-verb structure in the AJ test and the production test:pair-wise comparisons191
6.4 Percentage of rejected and accepted tokens of each of the incorrect alternating unaccusative structures and percentage of subjects who consistently rejected or accepted the three tokens of each structure in the AJ test198
6.5 Comparisons between judgments on the incorrect alternating unaccusative structures and the correct transitive control structures in paired-samples T tests200
6.6 Unaccusative verbs:number and percentage of two types of structure formed and consistent subjects who formed such structures in the production test202
6.7 Summary of results on the ungrammatical alternating unaccusative verbs in the AJ test and the production test:pair-wise comparisons204
6.8 The OE-verb structure and the active unaccusative structure:percentage of accepted/rejected tokens and that of consistent subjects in the AJ test207
7.1 Summary of the results on resultative constructions in the AJ test:pair-wise Bonferroni comparisons222
7.2 Type A of the resultative construction in the comprehension test:frequency(in percentage)of each of the interpretations227
7.3 Type A of the resultative construction in the comprehension test:percentage of subjects who consistently chose the same option(B,C or D)on the three tokens of the construction228
7.4 Type B of the resultative construction in the comprehension test:frequency(in percentage)of each of the interpretations230
7.5 Type B of the resultative construction in the comprehension test:percentage of subjects who consistently chose the same option(B,C or D)on the three tokens of the construction231
7.6 Compound causative constructions:percentage of subjects who consistently accepted or rejected the three tokens of each type of structure in the AJ test236
7.7 The compound causative construction in the comprehension test:frequency(in percentage)of each of the interpretations244
7.8 The compound causative construction in the comprehension test:percentage of subjects who consistently chose the same option(B,C or D)on the three tokens of the construction244
7.9 Percentage of subjects who consistently accepted or rejected the three tokens of the resultative construction,the compound causative construction and the V-NP-XP structure in the AJ test251
7.10 Results of paired-samples T tests between the mean scores on the resultative construction,the compound causative construction and the V-NP-XP structure within each subject group in the AJ test253
7.11 Summary:L2 Chinese groups'judgments of the six types of compound causative construction in terms of mean scores and native-like judgments256
7.12 The six types of compound causative construction under study:hierarchy of acceptability in terms of mean scores and native-like judgments257
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